Thursday, October 31, 2019

More Chaffles!

Mixer bowl contains last remaining batter from quadruple batch of chaffles.
Bowl from stand mixer

I have decided that even the doubled recipe didn't make enough chaffles, so I doubled it again. That's 1 cup of coconut flour, 4 Tablespoons butter, 20 eggs, 2 Tablespoons baking powder, and 2 packages of cream cheese. I used my daughter's stand mixer, which made everything very easy. Pro tip: use the shield.

Since my Black and Decker waffle maker makes four at a time, it works well to scoop it out with a measuring cup. And if I do that into a small bowl, I can stir in different flavorings for each load.

Square electric waffle maker with tongs in foreground and plate of waffles to the right.
My Black and Decker waffle maker / griddle

And so, today's chaffles:
Plate of chaffles, plain, cinnamon, banana, and garlic chaffles, on stove top with spoon rest and custard cup which had melted butter in it.

  • Plain. 
  • Cinnamon vanilla. 
  • Banana Rum (used banana extract and artificial rum extract.) 
  • Three sheets of garlic chaffles for sandwiches.

When I was looking for ideas, I noticed pumpkin pie spice... So now I'm thinking I want to see if pumpkin chaffles can happen...

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